Talent optimization through the talent marketplace

Listen to the article. According to Gartner research , the most significant emerging HR technologies for 2023 are skills management (51%), learning experience platforms (41%), and internal talent marketplaces (32%). Skills-based HR initiatives seem to be the bellwether, and cognoscenti suggest that the talent marketplace fits the bill to jump on the bandwagon. As per Gloat's report , essentially, it's a gateway to skills-based strategies to thread the needle between skills and opportunities. A Gartner report prognosticates that by 2025, 30% of large companies will implement a talent marketplace for optimizing talent. Implementing a talent marketplace offers a convenient option for companies of consequential size working from numerous locations to proffer internal opportunities (gigs, projects, assignments, etc.) to their employees. Concurrently it also facilitates employees to reskill and upskill themselves to stay ahead of the curve with felicitous mentorin...