
Showing posts with the label HR Quotes - by HR Professionals & Management Leaders

"HR Quotes" - by 'HR Professionals' & 'Management Leaders'

Youtube Video:  Slide Share:    "HR Quotes" - by 'HR Professionals' & 'Management Leaders' from Vijay Bankar Appreciate to receive your valuable insights in the comments. You may also consider sharing related Quotes known to you in the comments. Thanks & Regards, Download Slides   Transcript: Quotes by HR Professionals & Business Leaders   "The problem largely comes from the fact that when it comes to people, everyone is an expert." - Fred Luthans “Financial resources may be the lifeblood of a company, but "Human Resources" are the brains.” - Rob Silzer & Ben Dowell “ people are all there is to an organization ” - Gary Hamel “The organization is, above all, social. It is people.” - Peter Drucker “The real secret of Silicon Valley is that it’s really all about the people” - Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha “…Silicon Valley’s success comes from the way its companies build allianc...